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Maszyny do produkcji narzêdzi
Modena 200   large product photo

The newly concept of the machine axes configuration makes the Modena 200 a compact and highly rigid machine with the minimal axes travel for the fluting operation of tools in HSS or Carbide.
The grinding spindle is mounted on a cross slide of the traverse type and the cradle that mounts the workhead and tailstock is fixed on the machine cast iron bed.
The axes configuration of the Modena 200 features a solid cast iron tower housing the main linear axes (X-Y-Z) and the grinding direct drive spindle mounted on the rotary B-axis.


P 20 CNC  
Automatyczna szlifierka narzêdziowa P 20 CNC to przemys³owa maszyna przeznaczona na potrzeby produkcyjne. Maszyna umo¿liwia produkcjê narzêdzi prolifowych HM typu:
- frezy profilowe HM, HSS
- g³owice HM, HSS

Maszyna jest ³atwa w obs³udze i przyjazna dla operatora dziêki du¿emu do¶wiadczeniu producenta UT.MA, który produkuje szlifierki narzêdziowe od ponad trzydziestu lat.
Octopus 100 offers the flexibility and ergonomic features required for the grinding process of cutting tools. Suitable for regrinding or production of small and medium size cutting tools such end mills with square end, corner chamfer, corner radius and ball nose straight flutes, drills, special drill points, step drills and single-point cutting tools. It has been designed to save space, easy use and quick maintenance